Photography has been always my hobby. Below is a small portfolio of some of my photos. If you like, you can also visit my travels page with galleries of my wandering around the world.

Some of my photos were published in the following media:
- Kyoto University of Foreign Studies: French as Foreign language study materials
- Website of the French Minister of Culture (webpage about Wallis)
- Journal Vanuatu Daily Post
- French handbook Connaître La France dans l’Europe et le monde, livret de géographie pour les élèves cycle 3 by Didier Lorès, Editions MDI
- documentary film Anote’s Ark
- French TV show Thalassa : Vanuatu, l’Océanie authentique
- Travel website
- Website of Missionary Sisters of the Society of Mary
- Eklesia, a nation-wide revue of the Catholic Diocese of Vanuatu
- PR materials for UNELCO Vanuatu Ltd.
- Medical revue Očkování a cestovní medicína
- Newspaper MF Dnes
- Journal Frýdeckomístecko
- University periodical Listy Ostravské univerzity